Judy Blue Eyes - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Tribute featuring CSN guitarist Jeff Pevar 2/2
Portland's finest musicians perform the songs of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young with CSN guitarist Jeff Pevar! Featuring members of Nowhere Band, Saloon Ensemble, Love Gigantic, Solovox and more! How often do you get to see and hear the music of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young live? Judy Blue Eyes is a project birthed during the lock-down. Says singer John Averill “I’ve always felt that the music of CSN - in particular the vocal harmonies - have held some kind of mystical quality for me. About 6 years ago I had the idea of diving into CSN material and dissecting the harmony parts and perform it live, but there was never the time do devote to it.”